Thursday, November 17, 2011


Today I just want you to see my home. See what I love. See the place that makes my soul rise. See why, sitting in Chiang Mai, a little smile creeps onto my face when I think about returning to this beautiful village in a few short days. Despite the absence of Skype. Despite the cold showers. Despite everything. I love this village. And I love my community there.

If you are friends with me on Facebook, there are many more photos there. I think some are rather special. They captured special memories and moments for me.

Above: Morning view from my old house. 

Above: Children lifting a paper lantern/hot air balloon into the night sky in celebration of the end of the Buddhist Lent.

Above: The crowd at the temple, watching as one of the lanterns floats into the sky.

Above: Yet another sunrise. There's something magical about standing above the sea of rippling clouds. 

Above: One morning we got up very early to make doughnuts. The sun wasn't up, and we had to use a candle to split the dough. These are many of my students at the clinic.

Above: And then the sun crept over the mountain.

I love this place. It's more beautiful than I have words to speak of. Sometimes I tell the harder stories here, but please know the beauty of the life I get to live in this place. I have never felt more privileged in all my life than I do now to be able to live in this little village/camp.

1 comment:

Clay Skarda said...

Stunning. My new wallpaper.