Monday, August 01, 2011

August has arrived

I bought my ticket to Thailand back in January. At the time, I remember thinking how long I had before August would come, and it was true. I still had left 1/2 a year of teaching (a whole 1/4 of my TFA experience). I needed to focus on my Louisianan students and be present for them. I had to also tell them I wouldn't be coming back and tell them that I loved them.

Those months have soared past, and August has finally arrived. In 22 short days, I board an airplane to Doha, from there I take an airplane to Bangkok, and finally an airplane to Chiang Mai, where I will spend a few days before heading to the border.

People have lately been asking "How do you feel about leaving?" It's really a strange sort of question. Truthfully, I'm in action mode. At the beginning of the summer, I was in reflection mode and felt a lot of different things, but now it's action time. I have tie up all loose ends, buy any last minute items (ziploc bags!), and pack it up. Mostly, I guess I just feel ready. I've been preparing, and it's time to go. But, yes, I will miss people, and, yes, my parents are sad to have both their daughters so far away. Please comfort them if you see them. These are the questions asked most often, but the other side of it is also, yes, it's time for August to be here.

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