For the time being, my energies are focused on being a student, and I have very little to say... or maybe I should say I have a great deal to say but none that I am presently willing to publish. I find myself writing all the time, but it's better writing than I used to put on the blog. They're only short vignettes, but they take the time that I might have once invested in blogging.
Eventually, however, I will be trying to keep in touch with so many people thousands of miles away that I will feel compelled once again to write here. I may even this semester try to get myself started--maybe. Most likely I will wait until summer. At the current moment, I have no desire to publish my thoughts, for they are invested too deeply in my academic endeavors (mostly dealing with politics, religion, and their interplay).
Check back in the summer though. I really will write while in Thailand. I wish you all the best. Thanks for being faithful to my blogs even when they are virtually nonexistent.